The most Advanced DiGital Assets Wallet

A crypto wallet with security features like no other wallet

Out self custody wallet can be deployed to your users, customers or internally in your corporate

Full self custody with no secret phrase

The secret phrase is a major barrier to widespread web3 adoption. WiKey technology offers a multi-chain wallet that eliminates the need to store or conceal your secret phrase. It's entirely self-custodial, ensuring that no one, not even us, has access to your secret key

Multi-Signature with rules

The WiKey platform wallet features smart multi-sig capabilities with rules automatically applied across all blockchains.
Add people to groups and assign signatory rights to safeguard your digital assets.

Poison pill protection

If your phone is lost or stolen, you can send a "poison pill" message to erase the wallet from the device, removing all traces of its contents. You can always recover the wallet at a later stage with the help of friends, family, or coworkers.

Breakthrough in
self-custody security

Protecting your digital assets is the most important issue, but the security of a system is only as strong as its weakest link.
Hackers can obtain wallet login credentials, secret phrases, or PINs through phishing, AI, or deepfake.
If the wallet is linked to your email, it becomes a vulnerability since emails can be easily hacked.

The  WiKey open source wallet comes with the most advanced features in the industry.
You can create groups, assign signatory rights, create smart transaction approval rules and even transfer based on users names and not vague addresses

Self custody without secret phrase, passwords or email

The WiKey Blockchain wallet enable you to handle your digital assets without the secret phrase.
The secret phrase is not stored anywhere, and not known, not even to you, so account take over by bad actors is not possible

Social Recovery with account take over prevention

Add trusted friends, family, or any entity.
If your device is lost or stolen, our patented pending social recovery technology will help you recover your keys quickly and securely.
It has built-in anti-hacking and anti-identity theft algorithms.
The system also provides an anti collusion mechanism to prevent unauthorized account take over

Anonymous and account take over prevention

The system does not depend on KYC for full and safe functionality.